- Posted by Chris Lelliott
- Categories College News
- Date 11 August 2019

Good Reasons For Using A tutorial College
Here are a few reasons why a student or parent might consider using a tutorial college. Most of these examples probably fit under the heading of ‘unusual circumstances of one form or another’. This certainly doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with the student – or even with the student’s current school – just that, for some reason, it isn’t working out.
– You failed your GCSEs or A levels and you want to retake them.
– Your studies have been badly disrupted by Coronavirus and you want to catch up.
– Large group learning doesn’t suit you.
– You want more flexibility at school.
– Your school won’t allow you to study the combination of subjects you want.
– You are unhappy at your school, or have lost faith in it.
– You are just fed up with school and school rules.
– You want to be treated as a young adult rather than as a child.
– You have come under the influence of a bad group of friends.
– You have bullying at your school.
– You are taught in groups that you think may be holding you back.
– You are taught in groups that you think may be too strong for you.
– You want to be able to look at things more deeply than the syllabus requires.
– Teachers think you aren’t up to it academically and you want to prove them wrong.
– You have dyslexia or another specific learning difficulty.
– You are academically gifted.
– You want to apply to Oxbridge but your teachers don’t encourage you.
– You need to get top grades as you want to become a doctor, vet, lawyer or dentist, or similar.
– You need to improve your academic self-confidence.
– You have lost ground at school through illness like ME or glandular fever and need to ease yourself back into education.
– You need a flexible timetable so you can help someone at home.
– You want to retake exams and work at the same time.
– You have a medical problem like a hearing disability.
– You don’t want to do compulsory sport.
– You’d be more comfortable in a small, close environment where you can be yourself.
– You have been expelled from school, or are in danger of being expelled.
– You want to study somewhere where you can choose to be an individual and where you do not have to conform.
For more information about Bartholomews Tutorial College Brighton, visit: bartscollege.co.uk.