Course Fees
General Information
Charges at Bartholomews are reviewed on September the 1st of each year. The following are those which apply from that date in 2024.
In calculating the overall cost of a course, it should be borne in mind that GCSEs at Bartholomews are often completed in just three terms, and A levels in three, four or five terms, instead of the normal six terms at most schools. Furthermore any individual tuition missed through illness or other unavoidable absence may sometimes be made good without additional cost. It should be noted, however, that hours of tuition may never be transferred from one term or from one student to another. In addition it should be assumed that refunds are not made under any circumstances, including in the event of reading weeks, suspension or expulsion.
Invoices are submitted termly in advance in respect of tuition, examinations and accommodation and are due at least fourteen days before the first day of tuition in each term, or by return of post, whichever is the later. The one exception to this is that, if parents prefer, fees for any student in their very first term may be settled in two equal installments, the first as stated above and the second by the mid-way point of that term. Please note that those taking advantage of credit facilities, or settling accounts by any method other than at least full-termly in advance, may need to provide details for credit reference purposes.
Please note that, whilst the figures given below are correct for the duration of Autumn Term 2024, the government has stated its intention that all private schools should be required to charge V. A.T on all private educational services from January 2025. With regret therefore that from that date, parents may assume that our fees will increase by up to 20% across the board.
For all students the initial registration fee is £47. Parents may choose to receive accounts either based on standard full-time rates or according to the actual number of hours anticipated to be required in any given term. In general, the former method is the more economical for those on full-time courses. We require students registering on a part-time basis to enrol for a minimum of 1 hour’s tuition per subject per week and of 10 hours’ tuition per subject per term. For full-time student registration a non-refundable deposit of £500 is advised in order to secure your place. This will be set against tuition fees for the first term.
Standard Termly Tuition Charges
The rates given below cover all group and individual tuition, except for practical work, considered reasonably necessary under normal circumstances, for the equivalent of up to four A levels or eight GCSEs, in terms each of ten weeks’ duration.
Either | Annually in advance | £23,500 |
Or | Termly in advance | £8,000 |
For terms of between five and ten weeks in duration, costs may be calculated on a pro rata basis. For terms of greater than ten weeks, and for years greater than 30 weeks, a charge of £500 per additional week is added.
Hourly Tuition Charges
Those attending on a short-term or part-time basis may find it more economical to receive accounts according to the exact number of hours of tuition required in each term. On this basis the hourly rate for individual tuition is £80 for terms comprising 100 hours or more, £85 for terms comprising fifty hours or more, or £90 for terms comprising less than fifty hours. However, as for those electing for standard termly charges, it should be borne in mind that this also covers the cost of personal supervision, help with university applications and other facilities available to students at the College. Although we rarely arrange group tuition, when we do, each hour of individual tuition may be converted into two hours of group tuition in terms of cost. Please note, however, that supplementary accounts may be issued in arrears to those on hourly rates, should the overall amount of tuition exceed that originally anticipated.
Science Practicals, Art and Photography
Additional charges may be incurred by science students when laboratory practical work is required. At A level, this comprises at least twelve practical demonstrations which are normally charged in two stages at £600 each. Those for GCSEs, when applicable, are costed at £500 per subject and are normally charged in one of the last two terms of the course.
In art and photography a cost of £300 per GCSE, £400 per AS level and £500 per A level is applied, to cover the extra expense involved in the administration, moderation and exam invigilation of these subjects. Such costs are normally charged in the term in which final exams are taken.
GCSEs & IGCSEs | £100 per single subject entry |
AS levels | £200 per entry |
A levels | £300 per entry |
Double subjects, for example ‘double science’ are charged at twice the single-subject entry fee. For entries made at another centre and transferred to Bartholomews, charges are made at half the rates given above, plus any additional fees payable to the examining boards. Charges for external candidates and in other unusual circumstances, are costed on an individual basis.
Additional costs for examinations may be incurred for late entries and re-marks. Application for the return of examination scripts can only be processed on receipt of written request and payment in advance, being £30 per original script and £50 for a quick-response photocopy and teacher’s report where possible.
It is unusual for students at Barts to require help with accommodation as most live locally or have family or friends with whom they may stay. However, help will be offered on request.