Monitoring Students’ Progress
Each student is placed in the care of a personal supervisor who reads all reports and who is available to give advice at every stage. This person plays an active and crucial role throughout the course, by the end of which he or she and the student will probably know each other well. Supervisors keep in touch with parents as necessary and may from time to time suggest modifications to courses if such are felt likely to yield better examination results. They are also responsible for giving full advice and support to those of their students wishing to apply to higher education.
In addition, Director of Studies Helen Pearce is a qualified counsellor. Students can bring any welfare or personal concerns to her for advice and support. The College Manager is also available to offer help, advice and support at any time, formally or informally and, if required, in confidence.
Supervised Study
Supervised study sessions are held in the College’s main study room every afternoon, except when examinations are taking place. GCSE students are required to attend two scheduled supervised study sessions of at least 45 minutes per week. A level students are required to attend one supervised study session of at least one hour’s duration each week. These sessions can be used for completion of monthly tests and coursework. Further supervised study sessions will be scheduled for those students who fall behind with their work.
Monthly Tests
Tutors are required to set at least one written test per month for each of their students, to be attempted under timed conditions at the College. Students sit these tests in their Supervised Study sessions.
Mock Examinations
Mock examinations are set, under formal conditions, in November and March each year for each subject unit in the run up to public examinations.
Monthly Reports
A separate progress report from each tutor is sent to parents for every month in which tuition is received. Tutors are required to give predictions for forthcoming public examinations with every report that they provide, from the second month onwards.
Reading Weeks
Reading weeks may very occasionally be imposed on students who fall significantly behind with homework, monthly tests or coursework, and for students whose attendance is poor. Students on reading weeks are normally required to attend College on every day, Monday to Friday, for the whole of the afternoon’s supervised session. Completion of all outstanding work and tests is required before time can be spent on other studies.